Family, Friends and Retirees of the American Postal Workers Union

Convention Call

This is the official notice that the Auxiliary to the American Postal Workers Union National Convention will convene in Los Angeles, California, August 17-20, 2020. It will continue in daily sessions until the business of the Convention is completed. Official convention headquarters for the Auxiliary will be at the Los Angeles Convention Center.


ARTICLE V – REPRESENTATION (from the Constitution and By-Laws)

SEC. 1:
(A) Per capita tax representation shall be based on the amount of per capita tax received twenty (20) days prior to the opening of the National Auxiliary Convention.  

(B) In order to be seated as a delegate and able to vote on any issue during the National Convention, the per capita tax must be received by the National Treasurer at least twenty (20) days prior to the opening of the National Auxiliary Convention. Dues must be paid current through the first day of the month following the National Auxiliary Convention. 

(C) The minimum age to be seated as a delegate on the National Convention floor shall be twelve (12).

SEC. 2:
(A) Every Area Local and Local Auxiliary shall be entitled to a minimum of five (5) votes plus one (1) additional vote for each ten (10) members or the major fraction thereof.

(B) LWOL chapters shall be entitled to no more than four (4) votes per
Local—one (1) vote for each accredited delegate in attendance.  National Convention credentials for LWOL delegates must be verified by the Credentials Committee and signed by the Credentials Chairperson, and/or the National Auxiliary President and National Auxiliary Secretary 

(C) Each member-at-large attending the convention shall have one (1) vote.

(D) State Auxiliaries are entitled to representation at the National Convention. Such delegates shall have a total of ten (10) votes. A state representative cannot act as a delegate for his or her respective local auxiliary. 

(E) Each national officer shall be entitled to one (1) vote.

(F)  Any Past National President of the Auxiliary to the American Postal Workers Union shall be seated as a delegate on the National Convention floor with one (1) vote.

SEC. 3:
One or more delegates may cast the full number of votes to which their delegation is entitled provided no vote is divided smaller than one (1) vote per delegate. No proxy vote shall be allowed.

SEC. 4:
(A) Credentials of delegates shall be sent so as to reach the National Secretary not later than thirty (30) days before the convening of the National Convention.  These credentials shall be tabulated by states in alphabetical order and shall be furnished to the National President not later than fifteen (15) days preceding the National Convention. State delegate credentials shall be accepted later, in the event state conventions are held less than thirty (30) days prior to the National Convention. The credentials chairperson at the National Convention shall not accept any credentials which have not been properly authorized by the officers of their respective Auxiliaries. 

(B) Alternate delegates may be seated in the permanent absence of regular delegates upon the presentation of proper credentials.

Auxiliary Constitution


SEC. 1:

All candidates prior to being nominated, must be a member in good standing of the auxiliary for no less than one (1) year. 

SEC. 2:

Nominations will take place as the last order of business on Tuesday afternoon. 

SEC. 3:
Candidate(s) for nomination must be present at the time of  being nominated for the elective position and/or a letter must be received by the election committee prior to the nominations at the convention stating they would accept the nomination for the position they are being nominated for.

 SEC. 4:
Nomination for Office:  No candidate shall be allowed to run for more than one elected position.

SEC. 5:
Prepared ballots will be furnished for election to be held from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM on Wednesday and that all delegates must be in line before 12:30 PM to vote. If all ballots have been cast in less than one hour the elections shall be declared closed. A voting system will be used that is similar to the democratic process used within our communities. If there is only one candidate for an office, the assembly shall direct the Secretary to cast a single ballot for the nominee. The officers shall be elected in the following order: President, Secretary, Treasurer, Legislative Aide /Editor and District Coordinators. A plurality vote shall decide the election. In the event of a tie, there will be a run off vote.


(A) The nominating speakers shall be allowed two minutes and no seconding speeches for nominations shall be allowed.

(B) A prepared ballot will be furnished for elections, to be held on Wednesday afternoon from 11:30 am. to 1:00 p.m. or until all eligible ballots have been cast. No business will be conducted during elections

(C) No write-in votes will be allowed on the prepared ballot.


Article VII - Election of Officers

Auxiliary Handbook Guidelines 


 Eligibility requirements for National Auxiliary Officers are found in the National Auxiliary Constitution, Article VI, Sec. 5:

·No person shall be eligible to any of the offices or to membership on any committee unless that person is a member in good standing.

Any relative of members of the APWU shall be eligible for National Office.

A National Officer shall not hold the office of State President, but shall be required to be a member of her/his respective State Auxiliary if there is one and if eligible to State membership.

The minimum age of an officer in the Auxiliary shall be twenty-one (21) years.

Good standing is defined in the National Auxiliary Constitution Article V,  Article 5,  Sec. 1(B):  "In order to be seated as a delegated and able to vote on any issue during the National Convention, the per capita tax must be received by the National Treasurer at least twenty (20) days prior to the opening of the National Auxiliary Convention."

 Offices Open For Election

 All offices shall be posted for election in News and Views and in the National Board Offices at the National Convention.

 Declaration of Candidacy

 Any member who meets the eligibility requirements may declare candidacy for any office before the close of business on Tuesday at the National Convention.

If desired, candidates may have their names, local and office sought published in News and Views prior to the National Convention. All submissions to News and Views must be RECEIVED no later than forty-five (45) days prior to the publication date. Contact the National Auxiliary Editor for information regarding publication dates.


Nominations will take place as the last order of business Tuesday afternoon at the National Convention.  (By-laws, Article II, Section 1(F)  Nominations will be taken in any oral form from the floor of the National Convention by any delegate to the convention.  Nominations are to be positive presentations limited to two (2) minutes per candidate. No motion or speech to second a nomination will be allowed.

No criticism, reflection, argument or debate touching any member's creed, color, sex, nationality, or political affiliation shall be allowed at any meeting of the Auxiliary to the American Postal Workers Union or at the meetings of any of its Auxiliaries or published in print.  (National Auxiliary Constitution Article X)

Campaign Rules

No campaign mailings will be allowed. All mailing lists are secure and shall not be given to or used by any candidate to further his/her campaign.

All campaign material to be distributed MUST be approved by the Election Committee prior to distribution. The committee shall be available during the National Convention. Unapproved material will be automatically and immediately confiscated. No libelous or slanderous material will be tolerated. All campaigns should be positive in nature.

Campaigning will begin at the start of registration at the National Convention.

An Auxiliary may not use any funds received from dues, assessments, or similar levies to promote any person's candidacy.

Elections shall be on Wednesday afternoon of the National Convention (National By-Laws, Article VII, Part 5). The officers will be elected in the following order: President, Secretary, Treasurer, Legislative Aide-Editor, and District Coordinators. A plurality vote shall decide the election.  In the event of a tie, there shall be a runoff vote. Other election rules will be set by the Election Committee and the body at the National Convention.

Protesting Elections

Any member may file a complaint within 24 hours to the Election Committee Chairman.  If just remedy is not met, the candidate may then file a complaint to the National Executive Board of the Auxiliary to the American Postal Workers Union within 30 days of the election results.